Saturday 25 September 2010

i haven't posted in about two weeks.


Today is a wonderful, gorgeous day. FML. I'm working 'til eight.

I've had some fun over the past couple of weeks, particularly setting up our Animanga club and spending time with Hikari (her mum is amazing, just saying!)

However, I'm also really frustrated by a certain person's hypocrisy. "Don't be so controlling." yet ignoring everyone elses suggestions and taking over themselves? Bah. What makes it worse is this person's nerve to call themself my friend and yet go running to my best friend accusing me of having a go constantly, to make my life that much worse.

I'm not having a go love, you just need to handle the truth.

Oh yeah, and even if it was a joke, I don't particularly appreciate having certain secrets announced in public to people I barely know, kthnx. [/rant over]

Other than that... college is hard, being at home is hard, work is hard. Pah. Best friends playing rather harsh practical jokes?

FML right now.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Monday 6 September 2010

this year...

will be fucking awesome. Expletive totally necessary.

The one person who can convince me that it would be much more sensible to walk several miles home (the long way) instead of waiting for the bus to come, is at Newman College! (We're going to make this a regular occurence, too!)

So yes, after deliberating on Dr Pepper versus water, steak-slaps and cosplay fun, we did her homework on idiolect.

"She's having a baby!" "Beef is not vegan!" "Is it vegetarian though!?" "Drama llama!" "Fail whale!" "I'll give you five camels for her."

All this will be read in her English essay 8D Life is good. I have no more words to express how happy I am right now.

Sunday 5 September 2010

day twelve:

Your celebrity crush.

Oh shush.

i've had a good day doing things the wrong way;

Buh. My head feels like it's about to collapse in on itself and I can barely breathe through my nose. Lovely.

I am also really, really annoyed with myself for not being able to choose a subject to drop. I'm going to die this year, I know it. I already have an absolute mountain of work to do. However, I am glad that my timetable hasn't changed, I love C block Wednesday's with Amy, discussing the colour of Visa debit cards, politics and cosplay plans 8D.

I can't waaaaaaaaait for Expo in October! Really, I can't. It's almost all I talk about at the moment. <3 I'm also excited for MCM Expo coming to Manchester next July! Although I think it's only a one day thing OTL on the 30th, meaning I'll be eighteen *mind is blown*

Saturday 4 September 2010

day eleven:

A youtube video.

This. 8D

Friday 3 September 2010

day ten:

A food you could live off. That would be mash potato.

Thursday 2 September 2010

day nine:

Something you're proud of in the past month

Results? My life is average.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

day eight:

Short term goals for this month and why:

  1. UCAS application. Early application suck ):
  2. Find a bubblegum pink wig, orange jumper, two pairs of board shorts (or crop some pants) and make that shirt. For expo 8D
  3. Tidy my room. Ouch.