Sunday, 13 June 2010

50 things I love.

So yeah, a more positive version of yesterdays "50 things I hate".

  1. My family.
  2. My friends, in general.
  3. Heather/Cheetos.
  4. Ellie.
  5. Katy.
  6. Sandi.
  7. Clara.
  8. Police hats.
  9. Sexy Americans in police hats.
  10. Accusing my darling husband of stealing my dresses.
  11. Harry Potter!
  13. Card Captor Sakura.
  14. TouyaxYukito - my favourite ship ever!
  15. Green Day.
  16. Going to see Green Day on Wednesday.
  17. Having a job.
  18. The fact I am actually going to London Expo in October!
  19. When I like someone and by some weird twist of face they're crazy enough to like me back :3
  20. CHOCOLATE <3
  21. Alcopops. So sue me, I'm a pisshead.
  22. That feeling when you crawl into new, clean sheets after a long, hard day.
  23. Every now and then acting like a girl. :')
  24. Travelling.
  25. Languages.
  26. Sciences.
  27. Inside jokes with wonderful people who never fail to make you smile.
  28. Mocha coffee.
  29. Fruit, veg and salad. Yes, I'm weird.
  30. Sunshine - it just makes the days seem happier.
  31. Rainbows.
  32. Thunderstorms.
  33. Being by a beach or in the countryside.
  34. Shopping. I'm a girl, what can I say?
  35. Pigtails!
  36. HOEEEE!?
  37. Lady GaGa. Oh yessss.
  38. Banoffee pie. Hence the blog title.
  39. Cheesecake!
  40. Hair bands. And clips, bows etc.
  41. Bright colours!
  42. Polka dots!
  43. Really comfy shoes.
  44. When I make someone else smile. :)
  45. Milkshakessssss *gulp*
  46. Insulting people I truly adore.
  47. Late nights and early mornings.
  48. Gigs.
  49. Pepsi Max.
  50. Life.
All done :) This took so long it's untrue.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good list :D I was working on mine yesterday I got like 6 lol, I need to get the rest done today x) Loved it though xxx
