It started off with me waking up and trying to find my work uniform. Running around like a headless chicken, I realised I need to be more organised.
I only had a four and a half hour shift and it was my last training shift. I had a few... "visitors". In the form of Cheetos, Fio, Susan and Jenn. Cheetos and Fio came purely to wind me up and we had a maock argument, in which Cheetos threatened to tell my manager about my poor customer service, to which I pointed out she and Fio weren't engaging in any custom and that I had been perfectly polite to Jenn and Susie :) (who actually bought something!)
Oh, and Cheetos, if you read this - stealing someone else's drink does not make you a customer. :)
Then I ran home. Well, to my Dad's car - he drove me home! Where I got all dressed up for Cheetos' party.
At Cheetos' party there was : Cheetos (duh), me (duh, again), Jenn, Susan, Fio (you should have assumed they came anyway, from above), Shay, Fag, Amy, Eleanor, Nicola and two other people who I'm struggling to recall right now.
To say it was fun would be an understatement.
Best bits though:
- Susan walking out of the women's toilets and straight into the mens. Cheetos, Jenn, Fio and I nearly pissed ourselves.
- *spills coke* "I'm wet! I'm all wet! I can feel it in my knickers!"
- everything else!
Then, some bad stuff happened on the way back, but it's allllll good now! :) However, I ended up arguing over the phone to my mum and staying at Heather's (not because of the argument).
I love spending time at Heather's seriously! We pissed about pretty much all night with a bag full of sweets :) and talked until about two thirty or something ridiculous.
We woke up at 4.57 am. WTF. We went back to sleep and got up at half eleven ;D Then we ate breakfast and watched Lilo and Stitch <3 I love kids films too much!
I came home to find out my Grandma has given me TWO hair curlers and my old DVD player back (my TV with DVD broke) and that I was getting my parents old telly. (They got a new one about two weeks ago? Maybe three.)
Now, I'm excited for... well, everything :) & playing matchmaker mwhahahahaa!