Sunday, 20 June 2010

Saturday to Sunday

Yesterday was Saturday (no fucking shit, sherlock!) and I went to Heather's party - I was going to blog about that, but I came home for all of about... ten/fifteen minutes!

It started off with me waking up and trying to find my work uniform. Running around like a headless chicken, I realised I need to be more organised.

I only had a four and a half hour shift and it was my last training shift. I had a few... "visitors". In the form of Cheetos, Fio, Susan and Jenn. Cheetos and Fio came purely to wind me up and we had a maock argument, in which Cheetos threatened to tell my manager about my poor customer service, to which I pointed out she and Fio weren't engaging in any custom and that I had been perfectly polite to Jenn and Susie :) (who actually bought something!)

Oh, and Cheetos, if you read this - stealing someone else's drink does not make you a customer. :)

Then I ran home. Well, to my Dad's car - he drove me home! Where I got all dressed up for Cheetos' party.

At Cheetos' party there was : Cheetos (duh), me (duh, again), Jenn, Susan, Fio (you should have assumed they came anyway, from above), Shay, Fag, Amy, Eleanor, Nicola and two other people who I'm struggling to recall right now.

To say it was fun would be an understatement.

Best bits though:
  • Susan walking out of the women's toilets and straight into the mens. Cheetos, Jenn, Fio and I nearly pissed ourselves.
  • *spills coke* "I'm wet! I'm all wet! I can feel it in my knickers!"
  • everything else!
Especially a certain something :D

Then, some bad stuff happened on the way back, but it's allllll good now! :) However, I ended up arguing over the phone to my mum and staying at Heather's (not because of the argument).

I love spending time at Heather's seriously! We pissed about pretty much all night with a bag full of sweets :) and talked until about two thirty or something ridiculous.

We woke up at 4.57 am. WTF. We went back to sleep and got up at half eleven ;D Then we ate breakfast and watched Lilo and Stitch <3 I love kids films too much!

I came home to find out my Grandma has given me TWO hair curlers and my old DVD player back (my TV with DVD broke) and that I was getting my parents old telly. (They got a new one about two weeks ago? Maybe three.)

Now, I'm excited for... well, everything :) & playing matchmaker mwhahahahaa!

Monday, 14 June 2010

Y'know what, Maths can go to hell.

I'll copy the markscheme or something tomorro, maybe. Right now I don't care about the consequences or the fact it won't help me learn. I hurt. I feel really teary and emotional too.

Let's back up a little, this morning, my bus crashed into another bus. It wasn't a big crash or anything and I walked away thinking I was completely fine. Later on in the day though, I started getting pains in my neck and back and feeling a bit dazed. Then I started crying over stupid things and just generally being a twat. Now I just feel... eugh. The only thing I really remember is the windscreen shattering. I think I'm afraid of broken glass, aha.

On a brighter note, I'm really excited about this Extended Project Rachel told me about. I'm definitely going to give it a go. I might do it on a Chemistry based subject, to further my university application with knowledge, or maybe do something completely different, like life in fascist Spain.

I really, really don't know what to get a certain someone for her birthday. I wish she'd just tell me because I really want to get her something nice.

I'm also really excited about the fact that Rob and co are going to expo too... and staying at the same hotel as us!

Sunday, 13 June 2010

50 things I love.

So yeah, a more positive version of yesterdays "50 things I hate".

  1. My family.
  2. My friends, in general.
  3. Heather/Cheetos.
  4. Ellie.
  5. Katy.
  6. Sandi.
  7. Clara.
  8. Police hats.
  9. Sexy Americans in police hats.
  10. Accusing my darling husband of stealing my dresses.
  11. Harry Potter!
  13. Card Captor Sakura.
  14. TouyaxYukito - my favourite ship ever!
  15. Green Day.
  16. Going to see Green Day on Wednesday.
  17. Having a job.
  18. The fact I am actually going to London Expo in October!
  19. When I like someone and by some weird twist of face they're crazy enough to like me back :3
  20. CHOCOLATE <3
  21. Alcopops. So sue me, I'm a pisshead.
  22. That feeling when you crawl into new, clean sheets after a long, hard day.
  23. Every now and then acting like a girl. :')
  24. Travelling.
  25. Languages.
  26. Sciences.
  27. Inside jokes with wonderful people who never fail to make you smile.
  28. Mocha coffee.
  29. Fruit, veg and salad. Yes, I'm weird.
  30. Sunshine - it just makes the days seem happier.
  31. Rainbows.
  32. Thunderstorms.
  33. Being by a beach or in the countryside.
  34. Shopping. I'm a girl, what can I say?
  35. Pigtails!
  36. HOEEEE!?
  37. Lady GaGa. Oh yessss.
  38. Banoffee pie. Hence the blog title.
  39. Cheesecake!
  40. Hair bands. And clips, bows etc.
  41. Bright colours!
  42. Polka dots!
  43. Really comfy shoes.
  44. When I make someone else smile. :)
  45. Milkshakessssss *gulp*
  46. Insulting people I truly adore.
  47. Late nights and early mornings.
  48. Gigs.
  49. Pepsi Max.
  50. Life.
All done :) This took so long it's untrue.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

50 things I hate.

I'll follow this up in a bit with 50 things I love (:

  1. Periods. Seriously, guys out there - you have it easy. Getting randomly and extremely pissed off for a few days and then bleeding non-stop for a week. Not fun. And the stomach cramps. Just, no.
  2. Hypocrites. You know who you are.
  3. Being patronised. Seriously, try to patronise me and I will chew you up and spit you out.
  4. Loneliness.
  5. Stubbing my toe. Painful.
  6. When the laptop charger falls out.
  7. Travel sickness.
  8. People who constantly complain about their parents without good reason. Mum wasn't happy with the fact you went out and got absolutely shitfaced and the police came round? Your fault, your problem. Grow the fuck up.
  9. When you're in the car, a great song comes and hey, guess what - you're at your destination. Same on foot with iPods.
  10. Discrimination of any kind. Not cool, guys.
  11. Having such pale skin that I burn within minutes.
  12. When it's hot and rainy. At the same bloody time.
  13. When your knickers actually do get twisted or up your bum. This can't just be me.
  14. You like me, I like you... you're already with someone. Not cool.
  15. People spelling genius wrong. Oh, the irony.
  16. Anyone who thinks Digimon is just a cheap rip-off Pokemon. Did not do the research.
  17. Maths exams.
  18. Exams in general.
  19. Coursework too, for that matter.
  20. Homework.
  21. Numbers that aren't multiples of five with volumes.
  22. Burnt toast.
  23. Days when the sky is overcast and gloomy.
  24. Twihards. Oh so much.
  25. On that note, most die-hard fans of any nature or fandom.
  26. Looking for a comb and somehow finding myself staring into the cold light of the fridge.
  27. Being uncoordinated and clumsy. It's not cute, it's dangerous.
  28. Dirty glasses.
  29. The fact we never have any fruit in the house.
  30. Bananas that are gooey.
  31. Making typos constantly. I'm losing my tooth enamel. Oh, and I had to go and correct this twice.
  32. Most other atheists. Sure, you have the right to not believe in God but other people also have the right to believe. As long as no one's trying to invoke religious hatred, can't we all just get along?
  33. On the other side of the coin, people who are overly religious and won't let you forget that their religion is right and you're going to burn in hell if you don't convert.
  34. Being skint. 'Nuff said.
  35. The fact I currently do not have, nor will I ever have, real glittery fairy wings. My life sucks.
  36. Chain mail.
  37. People with no manners.
  38. When you're so focussed on a really hard question in an exam and BAM, someone starts hacking their guts up.
  39. People who seem to pay no attention to the world around them. There's 24 hour news these days, there's no excuse for your ignorance.
  40. Pluto not being a planet. I'm being serious with this one, does this mean Sailor Pluto is no longer a Sailor Senshi? HELP ME! 40
  41. When you really need the toilet but you're having an important conversation with someone and try so hard to hold it in.
  42. Needing to wee in exams.
  43. The fact I'm pretty much dependent on technology. Like the rest of today's youth.
  44. People who drink out of the bottle. Rank!
  45. Arnold Clark motorstores. Second hand cars have always been cheaper than their new equivalents. Stop trying to make a virtue of it.
  46. My lack of Hogwarts letter/attendance.
  47. The England flag we got in The Sun. I'm not unpatriotic, it's off-centre!
  48. The Sun. Most tabloids, actually.
  49. People who can't handle or listen to a reasonable argument and sometimes just agree to disagree. You're wrong, go home and deal with that fact.
  50. The D I got in Art. I'll be honest, I regret it. It is a laugh though, I suppose.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010


Kind of rhymes with nandooooooooos!

So, we went to Nandos afterall. I had never been before but it was really, really yummy :) However, the extra extra hot sauce was actually rather mild. Seriously, get us a hotter sauce, you big wusses.

I also drank way, way too much coke. I had about seven large glasses, which is actually an awful lot. But, seeing as a "bottomless" glass is £2.10 it worked out at 30p a pop! I really, really should have stopped at five though OTL.

Heather has an interview at McDonalds <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! What I wouldn't give to be able to work alongside my best friend. (:

Tomorrow, I have my second shift at work and I'm going to be trained by a girl called Suki. I have no idea who she is. I hope she's as nice as Matt was and that Matt enjoys Download festival. :)

I've also been watching waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much Sailor Moon lately. MOON PRISM POWER!

she's not broken, she's just a baby;

you were everything I wanted;

but I just can't finish what I started.

This blog post is dedicated to Katy. Who reminded me I have a blog. I haven't posted since then end of April or something.


green day in SEVEN days!

Yes, I am very, very excited.

Today is Heather's birthday. She's sixteen. Legal now.

To buy a lottery ticket, pervs! We're going to Nandos or Pizza Hut tonight. I don't know which. I'll update you tomorrow afternoon or later tonight. It's gonna be awesome though :) I'm going over later to see her hamster costume. What sixteen year old has a hamster costume? My best friend, that's who!

All in all, Chemistry and Biology could have been worse, much, much worse. I also have a job now at McDonalds. It's actually pretty fun too xD I've got a shift tomorrow, 11-4 and I'm excited! I like feeling like I'm earning my money. Unlike other people I could rant about but I won't here, it's a private thing.

Last week was half term, but I still have this week as "study leave" (seriously, study? nah!) I went to Manchester, primarily to see Sandi (who dragged Reanne along) and ened up meeting Charlotte too. I also bumped into Jenn&Susan. I was groped a lot too. FML.


I'm still nearly constantly wanting to punch someone in the face. I wonder if I should just do it, get it out of my system.