A picture of you and your closest friend.
Yes, Thomas the Tank Engine is my best friend. Also, general "lolwhut!?" :]]
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Monday, 30 August 2010
corrie tonight
Really got to me :| stupid Sally Webster.
Oh yeah, and Rosie is still a vacuous bitch. Remember when she used to be the smart one? Hahaha :'D
Oh yeah, and Rosie is still a vacuous bitch. Remember when she used to be the smart one? Hahaha :'D
yummy :))
Back home :)) went to somewhere in Garstang with mummy and daddy. It was boring so we decided to go to Frederick's for ice cream.
Vanilla ice cream is love <3
Vanilla ice cream is love <3
twenty five questions;
Read this and you're tagged.
1. Do you have any pets?
Yes, a rather adorable hamster called Dougie :))
2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you.
Coffee cup, hairbrush, cushion.
3. What's the weather like right now?
Sunny and pretty!
4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?
I don't.
5. What time did you wake up this morning?
11.12 :P
6. When was the last time you showered?
7. What was the last movie you saw?
Memoirs of a Geisha 8D "Hatsumomo... that snake!"
8. What does your last text message say?
I have no idea and I am not going to get my phone just to check.
9. What's your ringtone?
10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Yep. France, Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, Wales and Scotland (do they even count?)
11. Do you like sushi?
I'm not adverse to it.
12. Where do you buy your groceries?
Anywhere but Tescos.
13. Do you take medication to fall asleep?
Nope. I just don't xD
14. How many siblings do you have?
15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
Both :))
16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
Eighteen :O it's ages away though!
17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
Glasses, but I want zapping.
18. Do you color your hair?
I get highlights put in Too often.
19. Tell me something you are planning to do today.
Well I want to go to BK D:
20. When was the last time you cried?
A couple of nights ago?
21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
Mushroom, spicy salami 8D
22. Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
Cheeseburgers. Hamburgers are just stupid!
23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
Of course.
24. What is your eye color?
Brown. 8D
25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Yes, but I like both 8))
1. Do you have any pets?
Yes, a rather adorable hamster called Dougie :))
2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you.
Coffee cup, hairbrush, cushion.
3. What's the weather like right now?
Sunny and pretty!
4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?
I don't.
5. What time did you wake up this morning?
11.12 :P
6. When was the last time you showered?
7. What was the last movie you saw?
Memoirs of a Geisha 8D "Hatsumomo... that snake!"
8. What does your last text message say?
I have no idea and I am not going to get my phone just to check.
9. What's your ringtone?
10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Yep. France, Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, Wales and Scotland (do they even count?)
11. Do you like sushi?
I'm not adverse to it.
12. Where do you buy your groceries?
Anywhere but Tescos.
13. Do you take medication to fall asleep?
Nope. I just don't xD
14. How many siblings do you have?
15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
Both :))
16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
Eighteen :O it's ages away though!
17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
Glasses, but I want zapping.
18. Do you color your hair?
I get highlights put in Too often.
19. Tell me something you are planning to do today.
Well I want to go to BK D:
20. When was the last time you cried?
A couple of nights ago?
21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
Mushroom, spicy salami 8D
22. Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
Cheeseburgers. Hamburgers are just stupid!
23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
Of course.
24. What is your eye color?
Brown. 8D
25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Yes, but I like both 8))
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Friday, 27 August 2010
I am currently fuming. And trying not to cry.
Today has been... stressful. Followed by rioutous arguments at home, finding out just how few people I really can trust and an ultimatum about whether I actually stay at home.
I'm too angry and upset to think straight. If I try and sort this mess out, I will inevitably dig the hole much deeper. I just hope I can spend most of tomorrow out of here.
And maybe Sunday night :| it could get a bit... heated.
Today has been... stressful. Followed by rioutous arguments at home, finding out just how few people I really can trust and an ultimatum about whether I actually stay at home.
I'm too angry and upset to think straight. If I try and sort this mess out, I will inevitably dig the hole much deeper. I just hope I can spend most of tomorrow out of here.
And maybe Sunday night :| it could get a bit... heated.
day three;
What I did today. Today, I got up early and went to work. That's pretty much all I have to say on the matter.
Quoted from Katy:
Basically it's when you're writing something and you look over it and if you find any blocks of particularly good writing, you cut them out. If you keep in stuff that stands out, the readers will notice it and it'll look kind of bad? I can't explain it very well, so just google it if you want to (or just put it this way, Stephenie Meyer can't murder her darlings - the only thing she murders are vampire mythology and feminism, but that's for another day - as is evident by her overuse of adjectives. Writers who don't do that can murder their darlings.
Because no day is complete with acknowledging what a bastardisation of literature Twilight truly is.
Quoted from Katy:
Basically it's when you're writing something and you look over it and if you find any blocks of particularly good writing, you cut them out. If you keep in stuff that stands out, the readers will notice it and it'll look kind of bad? I can't explain it very well, so just google it if you want to (or just put it this way, Stephenie Meyer can't murder her darlings - the only thing she murders are vampire mythology and feminism, but that's for another day - as is evident by her overuse of adjectives. Writers who don't do that can murder their darlings.
Because no day is complete with acknowledging what a bastardisation of literature Twilight truly is.
Loveless is amazing. On so many levels. I will have to go into detail at some point :) Off to work now.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Tomorrow, I have work. However, I no longer have to work on Saturday, which is good news.
Because Cheetos and I are going to try and bake a cake. Or just wreck my kitchen, followed by a sleepover in ICU. We plan to photo document our misadventures and share them with the world. And go gaga over my hamster.
...I've just realised I'm going to have to tidy my room. Oh shit :')
Because Cheetos and I are going to try and bake a cake. Or just wreck my kitchen, followed by a sleepover in ICU. We plan to photo document our misadventures and share them with the world. And go gaga over my hamster.
...I've just realised I'm going to have to tidy my room. Oh shit :')
I want to see this film, I really do! Susan said it was hilariously funny and it just looks like it'd be a reet giggle :)) Must harass someone, must.
goes the Happy Meal box.
I broke one today. Oops.
"Pop it harder and it won't be crooked!"
"Aha, maybe not quite that hard!"
Sam makes my shifts more fun :))
I broke one today. Oops.
"Pop it harder and it won't be crooked!"
"Aha, maybe not quite that hard!"
Sam makes my shifts more fun :))
Don't you think those letters who get to be part of two (or even three!) are such attention whores when you're doing wordsearches. Just a thought.
ten things
Ten things that you'd like to say to ten people.
I'll see how many of these I can do before I have to go to work :)) if you guess any, let me know.
I'll see how many of these I can do before I have to go to work :)) if you guess any, let me know.
- You already know how this goes. You're the very best friend anyone could ever hope for and don't you dare think differently. The world is blue.
- There's lots of things I'd like to say here but you're either not going to read it or be extremely embarassed. Just know that I absolutely adore you, you make my world a brighter place.
- Have fun dying a virgin.
- Hi there! I can't believe you haven't divorced me yet. You're beautiful, you need to get that into your head. Beyond that, you're an absolutely wonderful friend, but I want my dress back. Dry-cleaned, preferably.
- I've always admired your honesty - you're usually the person who has the guts to just ground me and keep me sane and for that, I'm really grateful.
- You blow hot and cold all the time. I don't know whether you want to be friends, use me or cause trouble most of the time. When you're at your best, you're a sweet, funny girl. When you're at your worst you're a complete bitch and I don't even want to know you.
- I don't think I'd have got through this year if I hadn't started rambling to you about grindylow. Thank you.
- I really can't see why people like you. You're a prick, go fuck yourself.
- I wish we were closer but I think you're a really lovely person and I can't wait to see you again.
- Oh goodness, we have too many fun times. Your sense of humour is, to be polite, ridiculous. I love it though. Thanks for being my rock and always cheering me up when I'm down.
day two:
Day 02- The meaning behind your blog name
Somewhere over the rainbow? Because the Wizard of Oz is amazing and I watched it practically every other day with my grandparents when I was younger. Those were great times and I would love to go back to them.
Then there's my little obsession with rainbows... it's not as bad as my ginger fetish at least. Ho hum.
Somewhere over the rainbow? Because the Wizard of Oz is amazing and I watched it practically every other day with my grandparents when I was younger. Those were great times and I would love to go back to them.
Then there's my little obsession with rainbows... it's not as bad as my ginger fetish at least. Ho hum.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
day one:
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 5 random facts about yourself.

Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin! I have way too much fun (and look like a crazy stripper, thanks Clara.)

Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin! I have way too much fun (and look like a crazy stripper, thanks Clara.)
- I have an odd, irrational fear of numbers that aren't multiples of five.
- I cannot make sense of the obsession with fashion.
- I prefer Digimon to Pokemon. So fucking sue me :))
- I firmly champion the fact that Harry Potter is absolutely amazing and makes Twilight look like a piece of shit. Because that fact is just not debatable.
- My favourite food is either potato salad or mash potato. Let's just make that potatoes in general. 8D
I am not doing this over thirty days. My attention span will just not let that happen
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 5 random facts about yourself.
Day 02- The meaning behind your blog name
Day 03- What you did today
Day 04- A photo you took
Day 05- A website
Day 06- A photo of you from 2007
Day 07 -A Picture of you and your closest friend
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past month
Day 10- A food you could live off
Day 11- A youtube video
Day 12- How you found out about blogspot and why you made one
Day 13- Your celebrity crush
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your player on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- A picture of you taken today
Day 17- Something you have created
Day 18- The last film you saw
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- A picture that makes you smile
Day 21- A screen shot of your desktop
Day 22- Your favourite album/s
Day 23- The last thing you ate/drank
Day 24- Whatever tickles you’re fancy
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- Your favourite band at the moment
Day 27- A collection you have
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- What you wore today
Day 30- What you see yourself doing in 5 years time
Day 02- The meaning behind your blog name
Day 03- What you did today
Day 04- A photo you took
Day 05- A website
Day 06- A photo of you from 2007
Day 07 -A Picture of you and your closest friend
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past month
Day 10- A food you could live off
Day 11- A youtube video
Day 12- How you found out about blogspot and why you made one
Day 13- Your celebrity crush
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your player on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- A picture of you taken today
Day 17- Something you have created
Day 18- The last film you saw
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- A picture that makes you smile
Day 21- A screen shot of your desktop
Day 22- Your favourite album/s
Day 23- The last thing you ate/drank
Day 24- Whatever tickles you’re fancy
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- Your favourite band at the moment
Day 27- A collection you have
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- What you wore today
Day 30- What you see yourself doing in 5 years time
Sunday, 22 August 2010
and did i mention that youbothsuck.com
Stole this from something Katy posted about two months ago because I'm bored :))
1. Last drink = Water.
2. Last phone call = Susan.
3. Last text message = Clara.
4. Last song you listened = Luckiest Loser - Bowling For Soup
5. Last time you cried = Yesterday.
6. Dated someone twice = Yes.
7. Been cheated on = No.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it = Kinda. Oh fuck it, yes.
9. Lost someone special = Yes.
10. Been depressed = Yes.
11. Been drunk and threw up = Yes.
12. Orange.
13. Blue.
14. Purple.
15. Made new friends = Yes.
16. Fallen out of love = Eh. No.
17. Laughed until you cried = Yes.
18. Met someone who changed you = Yes.
19. Found out who your true friends were = Yes. xD
20. Found out someone was talking about you = Yes.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list = Yes.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life = Most.
23. Have you ever been given a a Valentine = Yes.
24. Do you have any pets = DougDoug the HamHam.
25. Do you want to change your name = Kind of.
26. What did you do for your last birthday = Pizza Hut! :]]
27. What time did you wake up today = 4.57, wtf.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = Talking to Susan and Lauren. Okay, I actually went to bed just before midnight, so read that as "about eleven thirty", okay?
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = To see a certain person :)
30. Last time you saw your mother = Just before she left.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? = Be more confident.
32. What are you listening to right now = Simple and Clean - Hikaru Utada
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = Yes.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = How warm the laptop is getting D:
35. Most visited webpage = Facebook. Or fanfiction.net *guilty as charged*
36. What is your middle name = Elizabeth.
37. Nicknames = Spaikae! Nic. Nicki. Taichi! Shu-chan! Seme-sama! Daddy!
38. Relationship Status = Taken ;D
39. Zodiac sign = Cancer.
40. Male or female or transgendered = Female.
41. Have you ever been attracted to someone of the same gender = Yes. Wow, no shit Sherlock!
42. Do you drive = Nope.
43. Do you go to college = Yes.
44. Hair colour = Naturally, blonde. Currently... blonde o_o. For me, this is bizarre!
45. Long or short = About medium? It's really not long at all, but it's not exactly short either.
46. Height = 5'1"
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = Yes. :))
48: What do you like about yourself? = I like that I can laugh at myself.
49. Piercings = Ears.
50. Tattoos = None.
51. Righty or lefty = Righty!
52. First surgery = Do tooth extractions count?
53. First piercing = Ears.
54. First best friend = Heather/Cheetos at primary school.
55. First sport you joined = LOL.
56. First vacation = Somewhere down south, I don't even remember xD
58. First crush = ...no idea!
59. Eating = Nothing.
60. Drinking = Water.
61. I'm about to = Who knows.
62. Listening to = Kids In America - Len.
63. Waiting to = do nothing. :))
64. Want kids? Not really, but we'll see.
65. Get married? Maybe.
66. Careers in mind? I'd love to be a research scientist! Or a teacher :]]
67. Lips or eyes = Eyes. ...for the most part ;)
68. Hugs or kisses = Hugs.
69. Shorter or taller= Taller. It'd be hard to find someone shorter though...
70. Older or Younger = Older.
71. Romantic or spontaneous = Either, but I'll go with spontaneous for now.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = Stomach.
73. Sensitive or loud = Sensitive. Maybe. Perhaps I just can't imagine being with someone louder than me?
74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationship.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = Trouble maker.
76. Kissed a stranger = No.
77. Drank hard liquor = Yes.
78. Lost glasses/contacts = Yes.
79. Sex on first date = No.
80. Broken someone's heart = Yes.
81. Had your own heart broken = Kind of but not really. It's complicated.
82. Been arrested = Nope.
83. Turned someone down = Yes.
84. Cried when someone died = Yes.
85. Liked a friend that is a boy? = Maybe?
86. Yourself = Don't believe in yourself! Believe in me, who believes in you!
87. Miracles = No.
88. Love at first sight = No.
89. Heaven = No.
90. Santa Clause = No.
91. Kiss on the first date = Yes.
92. Angels = No.
93. Is there one person you want to be with right now? = Yes.
94. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? = No.
95. Did you sing today? = No.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? = About three?
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? Um, idk. Pleasure Beach was fun?
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? = Not anymore. :P
100. Do you want a boyfriend/girlfriend? = Yes.
1. Last drink = Water.
2. Last phone call = Susan.
3. Last text message = Clara.
4. Last song you listened = Luckiest Loser - Bowling For Soup
5. Last time you cried = Yesterday.
6. Dated someone twice = Yes.
7. Been cheated on = No.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it = Kinda. Oh fuck it, yes.
9. Lost someone special = Yes.
10. Been depressed = Yes.
11. Been drunk and threw up = Yes.
12. Orange.
13. Blue.
14. Purple.
15. Made new friends = Yes.
16. Fallen out of love = Eh. No.
17. Laughed until you cried = Yes.
18. Met someone who changed you = Yes.
19. Found out who your true friends were = Yes. xD
20. Found out someone was talking about you = Yes.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list = Yes.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life = Most.
23. Have you ever been given a a Valentine = Yes.
24. Do you have any pets = DougDoug the HamHam.
25. Do you want to change your name = Kind of.
26. What did you do for your last birthday = Pizza Hut! :]]
27. What time did you wake up today = 4.57, wtf.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = Talking to Susan and Lauren. Okay, I actually went to bed just before midnight, so read that as "about eleven thirty", okay?
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = To see a certain person :)
30. Last time you saw your mother = Just before she left.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? = Be more confident.
32. What are you listening to right now = Simple and Clean - Hikaru Utada
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = Yes.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = How warm the laptop is getting D:
35. Most visited webpage = Facebook. Or fanfiction.net *guilty as charged*
36. What is your middle name = Elizabeth.
37. Nicknames = Spaikae! Nic. Nicki. Taichi! Shu-chan! Seme-sama! Daddy!
38. Relationship Status = Taken ;D
39. Zodiac sign = Cancer.
40. Male or female or transgendered = Female.
41. Have you ever been attracted to someone of the same gender = Yes. Wow, no shit Sherlock!
42. Do you drive = Nope.
43. Do you go to college = Yes.
44. Hair colour = Naturally, blonde. Currently... blonde o_o. For me, this is bizarre!
45. Long or short = About medium? It's really not long at all, but it's not exactly short either.
46. Height = 5'1"
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = Yes. :))
48: What do you like about yourself? = I like that I can laugh at myself.
49. Piercings = Ears.
50. Tattoos = None.
51. Righty or lefty = Righty!
52. First surgery = Do tooth extractions count?
53. First piercing = Ears.
54. First best friend = Heather/Cheetos at primary school.
55. First sport you joined = LOL.
56. First vacation = Somewhere down south, I don't even remember xD
58. First crush = ...no idea!
59. Eating = Nothing.
60. Drinking = Water.
61. I'm about to = Who knows.
62. Listening to = Kids In America - Len.
63. Waiting to = do nothing. :))
64. Want kids? Not really, but we'll see.
65. Get married? Maybe.
66. Careers in mind? I'd love to be a research scientist! Or a teacher :]]
67. Lips or eyes = Eyes. ...for the most part ;)
68. Hugs or kisses = Hugs.
69. Shorter or taller= Taller. It'd be hard to find someone shorter though...
70. Older or Younger = Older.
71. Romantic or spontaneous = Either, but I'll go with spontaneous for now.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = Stomach.
73. Sensitive or loud = Sensitive. Maybe. Perhaps I just can't imagine being with someone louder than me?
74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationship.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = Trouble maker.
76. Kissed a stranger = No.
77. Drank hard liquor = Yes.
78. Lost glasses/contacts = Yes.
79. Sex on first date = No.
80. Broken someone's heart = Yes.
81. Had your own heart broken = Kind of but not really. It's complicated.
82. Been arrested = Nope.
83. Turned someone down = Yes.
84. Cried when someone died = Yes.
85. Liked a friend that is a boy? = Maybe?
86. Yourself = Don't believe in yourself! Believe in me, who believes in you!
87. Miracles = No.
88. Love at first sight = No.
89. Heaven = No.
90. Santa Clause = No.
91. Kiss on the first date = Yes.
92. Angels = No.
93. Is there one person you want to be with right now? = Yes.
94. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? = No.
95. Did you sing today? = No.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? = About three?
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? Um, idk. Pleasure Beach was fun?
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? = Not anymore. :P
100. Do you want a boyfriend/girlfriend? = Yes.
Monday, 9 August 2010
I have a new notebook :)) I'm going to start writing again.
I enjoy cheesy shows about spinning tops, magical playing cards and digital critters more than any self-respecting seventeen year old should.
Oh well, fanfiction <3
I enjoy cheesy shows about spinning tops, magical playing cards and digital critters more than any self-respecting seventeen year old should.
Oh well, fanfiction <3
Sunday, 8 August 2010
lazy sundays
Are lovely, especially when you're very, very sleepy :)
I got back from Bulgaria (the land of underage drinking!) on Friday night and went to work yesterday, OTL. I was supposed to work until six, but I got to leave at four thirty, yay!
I saw Cheetos-Wheetos for the first time in over two weeks, rather emotional get-together. Okay, I kid. We went for tea together and had some real fun harrassing Susan and generally being silly in her room. :)
Her dad is on to me. I don't know how to feel about that, tbh.
This summer is going too fast. I'm probably going to visit Clara on Thursday to see her Russian findings and I'll be attending her Alice in Wonderland garden party on the 23rd :)) I also need to find time and money to see Katy, Lauren, Amy and various other wonderful people. Heather doesn't count, I'll just walk into her house whenever I feel like it.
I'm also going to go to Susan's to prepare our cosplays for expo in October, I'm still not entirely sure who were acually doing but I can't waaaaaaaaait to run around being Tai <3
I got back from Bulgaria (the land of underage drinking!) on Friday night and went to work yesterday, OTL. I was supposed to work until six, but I got to leave at four thirty, yay!
I saw Cheetos-Wheetos for the first time in over two weeks, rather emotional get-together. Okay, I kid. We went for tea together and had some real fun harrassing Susan and generally being silly in her room. :)
Her dad is on to me. I don't know how to feel about that, tbh.
This summer is going too fast. I'm probably going to visit Clara on Thursday to see her Russian findings and I'll be attending her Alice in Wonderland garden party on the 23rd :)) I also need to find time and money to see Katy, Lauren, Amy and various other wonderful people. Heather doesn't count, I'll just walk into her house whenever I feel like it.
I'm also going to go to Susan's to prepare our cosplays for expo in October, I'm still not entirely sure who were acually doing but I can't waaaaaaaaait to run around being Tai <3
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