Initially, I had really reservations about going to UNIQ - what would the people be like? Did I really want to be on my own for my birthday? Am I gonna be in way over my head with all the work? Things got worse on Sunday morning when I found out my Grandma had been taken into hospital (later shown to be a simple case of food poisoning, but it was pretty serious at the time.)
Honestly though, I think it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I had an absolutely fabulous time, I'd definitely do it over again. The city itself was beautiful, the work was engaging and interesting, the social activites actually weren't horrific, (free tickets to see the Tempest outdoors on Wednesday, anyone?) [It was actually warm and sunny, no torrential rain for me :)] the people I met were absolutely amazing and I've come away convinced about my plans for the future, at least up until Uni. Good stuff, I reckon :)
I even got an impromptu birthday party :]
(l-r) Niall, Harriet, Me, Roisin & Ruth. Before a formal 'stripe' themed disco... we didn't pay much attention to that.
Raj & I at a "formal drinks reception". (:
My improptu birthday party (clockwise) Harriet, Raj (squished in!) Nial, Michelle, Lucy, Me, Matt, Josh, Roisin, Amy, Ruth, Howard + Christa :)
All in all, a brilliant week, even if we did get trapped on a wet farm and forced to spit for about ten minutes straight! I definitely, definitely want to apply, it's likely I won't get a place, granted, but if I don't try then there's no chance (: Ah, I enjoyed it so much and I'm really glad to be able to keep in touch with everyone!
I got home late on Friday, worked Saturday and went to Nando's with my best friend Heather Cheetos DELICIOUS DAVIS! (Who had better keep away from Kari!) For once, I was the one dressed up (I wore a skirt! *everyones jaw hits the floor* We went con mis padres y mi hermano and my brother wussed out because his burger was too hot! Strangely, I looked okay when I went out, infact, when we left the table to order, we found this written in our menu:
"We fancy the bird with the blond hair." Okay, my mum has red hair, my brother isn't a "bird" and I sincerely hope that isn't referring to my dad (who's a brunet anyway). So, that leaves Heather and I. I guess Heather has a blonde fringe? Who cares, this made me chuckle :)
I would also like to quote something which will help (or might help) the understanding of something later on, "The cheesecake, it's confusing. It looks like cheese, it is cheese... but it's really tasty, like chocolate." Oh how I adore my best friend.
After that, we headed home (Heather stopped over.) Cue staying up til about four am discussing unsavoury folk, talking baout sexy Russian starfish and generally being pricks. Oh, and getting up at ten OTL. My daddy did go out especially to buy is brioche though <3. For some reason, Cheetos & I decided to watch American Idol on a Sunday morning at breakfast. I don't know either. Enter, three violin playing triplets dressed like sparkly prostitutes. They were actually brilliant violinists, but the stripperific dance moves and voices that made your ears bleed.
"Wow... this strip act is confusing. Like the cheesecake." "Mhmm... tasty too."
After that, we went shopping and I bought a pair of gorgeouuuus heels from New Look to wear at my party on Monday night. We looked around some other places, had milkshakes and then headed off home for more sleep :]
I looooove them so, so much <3 All the pretty lace *squee*
What I did during the day on Monday is of no consequence to anyone (read as: slept) so I'll skip forward to Monday night. After a facial disaster because I can't say no to anyone, even insane hairdressers who want to tan my face and cover me in make-up and bronzer. (Ew, no) I headed off to Pizza Hut after blagging a tenner from my dad. And a lift. Which involved picking up Heather. Ah, life :)
Like I suspected, most people were slightly late and I was very, very thankful that Heather's mum had bought me an umbrella. There were thirteen of us at the table, actually (ooh - unlucky) as Jenn, Eve and Rob couldn't make it. However, everyone else turned up. Including Amy and Chris... eventually. After realising they weren't there and no one had heard from them, I was about to call Amy and check on the two of them. However, she got there first.
"Nicki, where are you! We've been looking around for ages and can't find anyone."
"We're at Pizza Hut... where are you?"
"Pizza Hut."
"*sigh* Which one?"
"The one at the Capitol Centre..."
"*facepalm* I saiiiiid the one in town - near college!"
Hilarity ensued. They got there eventually, needless to say.
We didn't take many pictures, due to shoving our faces with pizza (or pasta, if you're Lauren *glares*) and being dicks, but I put this one in here because it's just... amazing :P
I'm also very happy that Phil is now using the "facepalm" picture on facebook - despite trying to make me delete it! Alas, I couldn't as he didn't buy Susan and I dessert! The kind people at Pizza Hut stayed open evtra long so we could have dessert and gave me ballons, yaaaaaaay!
We then waited ageeees for Lauren's mum to pick her up, and discussed Digimon and sung DON'T STOP BELIEVINNNNN' loudly in the rain. Then, we trekked valiently to the train station (at this point it was only Heather, Jess, Susan, Squidge & I). My feet were very painful as Imy did not give me my trainers back =_=. To be fair, she has a shoe fetish...
So, that's about it. One last photo before I go though :] Jess drew this brilliant, all-biro masterpiece of Wargreymon [MOST BADASS DIGIMON, BITCHES!] in my card and I just had to include it because of how awesome it is :) It still looks brilliant (although not quite as fantastic) after the iPhone camera treatment, so enjoy!
Adios, amigos. I'm off to read my new manga x)